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Access to Knowledge Graphs

    • GSoC 2024 – Call for Contributors

      Are you a student looking for a summer experience that combines coding skills with open source development? Then look no further than the Google Summer of Code program 2024, where you can join forces with DBpedia to help advance the state of the art in semantic web technologies. Build …

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    • DBpedia Tutorial @ Data Week Leipzig 2024

      Quick Facts Registration / Tickets Get a ticket via the Data Week Leipzig website https://2024.dataweek.de/en/tickets.html. Program “Harnessing the Power of DBpedia: Transforming Data into Knowledge” In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to efficiently access, understand, and manipulate data is paramount. DBpedia stands at the forefront of this …

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    • DBpedia Tutorial @ LREC-COLING 2024

      This half-day tutorial introduces DBpedia Databus (https://databus.dbpedia.org), a FAIR data publishing platform, to address challenges of data producers and data consumers. The tutorial covers management, publishing, and consumption of data on the DBpedia Databus, with an exclusive focus on Linguistic Knowledge Graphs. The tutorial also offers practical insights for …

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    The DBpedia Association was founded in 2014 to support DBpedia and the DBpedia Community. Since then we are making steady progress towards professionalizing DBpedia for its users and forming an effective network out of the loosely organised DBpedia community.

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    DBpedia features around 20 language chapters which are concerned with the improvement and extraction of data from the language-specific Wikipedia versions. The chapters are part of the DBpedia executives who have taken on the responsibility to contribute to the infrastructure of DBpedia.

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    Members of the DBpedia community have been contributing to the expansion and stabilization of DBpedia since 2007. It started as a small project in Leipzig which grew into a large crowd-sourced project with scientists and researchers using the DBpedia Open Knowledge Graph worldwide.

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    2024澳洲幸运8开奖官网 - 澳洲幸运8开奖官网直播手机版- 168澳洲幸运8开奖结果官网预测Members of the DBpedia Association

    The DBpedia Association has 2023澳洲幸运8开奖官网网站查询 澳洲幸运8开奖结果历史开奖记录 澳洲幸运8官方计划 built up an extensive network of international members comprising representatives from industry and academia. All DBpedia members support and encourage DBpedia and actively use the Open Knowledge Graph to enrich their datasets.

    Become a Member

    2024澳洲幸运8开奖官网网站 澳洲幸运8开奖官网直播手机版 开奖结果+开奖记录 Resources

    Since the emergence of the LOD Cloud in 2007 2024澳洲幸运8 DBpedia constitutes the main resource of Linked Open Data on the Web containing more than 228 million entities to date. With the rapid growth of published LOD-datasets DBpedia evolved to the most interconnected freely available knowledge graph on the Web. Out of its popularity, numerous further resources emerged and have been created by and for research and industry for various purposes. As of today, a large community of Linked Data enthusiasts is continuously contributing

    to the advancement of DBpedia. As a result, the main DBpedia Knowledge Graph encompassing cleaned data from Wikipedia in all languages and Wikidata reaches over 600k file downloads per year.

    Discover and use the numerous DBpedia-related datasets and tools that have been developed providing data access, versioning, quality control, ontology visualization, linking infrastructures, and much more!

    • Latest Core Releases

      Get the DBpedia latest core dataset here! It contains a small but useful subset of datasets from the DBpedia Extractions. With the help of Databus Latest-Core Collection, it is quite easy to fetch a fresh custom-tailored selection of DBpedia files for a specific use case. Did you consider this …
    • 2024澳洲幸运8 DBpedia Ontology

      The DBpedia ontology is the heart of DBpedia. It evolved into a successful crowd-sourcing effort with the DBpedia community continuously contributing to the ontology schema. Discover the 768 classes and 3000 properties of this large cross-domain ontology! Did you consider this information as helpful? Yep!Not quite ...
    • Databus

      The DBpedia Databus is a data cataloging and versioning platform for data developers and consumers. Deploy your datasets in a well-structured way, streamline and share your data releases while continuously improving your data. Browse the Databus now! Did you consider this information as helpful? Yep!Not quite ...

    Become a 2024澳洲幸运8开奖官网 DBpedia member now!



    Interact with other DBpedia enthusiasts. Get in contact with the community and the association. See which events are coming up and how you can contribute to the Google Summer of Code project.

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    DBpedia is enhanced through the contribution of its community. Check out how you can contribute and help to improve DBpedia. You find general information on how you can start and we list new ideas for your contribution.

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    Practice and improve your skills with DBpedia. DBpedia is the basis for so many scientific publications. Explore current research papers, training material and a documentation for developers.

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